Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sometimes Being a Mom Can Be a Tough Job!

Most of us know something of the sacrifices a mom makes, whether we are moms ourselves or just happened to have one! We know something of the hours of hard work, the hours of lost sleep, the hours of driving, the hours of listening, the hours of attending games, school plays, etc. Yes, being a good mother often translates into spending time with our children. And before we know it, the hours add up to days, weeks, months and years. In my case, 16 of them. Yes, my oldest son turned 16 this week. You know what? It was really hard! I never dreamed how emotional I would be as he reached this milestone. He's such a joy to have around, such a wonderful young man...and I realize that the days he will live at home are numbered. I am so proud of you, son! And I will treasure the hours....

My favorite - and very tall - 16-year-old!


Dhana Lauren said...

What a sweet sentiment. Wow...16! Sounds like a lucky young man to have such a great mother like you!

Anonymous said...

Love your tribute to your son, beautiful!

Prema Buck said...

Love this shot also!