Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I never know what I'll find...

...when I wake my daughter in the morning! This is what I found this morning. Best friends sharing a cuddle, telling secrets, being a little bit lazy...together!
May all our days start with warmth and tenderness shared with those we love. Here's to friends!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sometimes Being a Mom Can Be a Tough Job!

Most of us know something of the sacrifices a mom makes, whether we are moms ourselves or just happened to have one! We know something of the hours of hard work, the hours of lost sleep, the hours of driving, the hours of listening, the hours of attending games, school plays, etc. Yes, being a good mother often translates into spending time with our children. And before we know it, the hours add up to days, weeks, months and years. In my case, 16 of them. Yes, my oldest son turned 16 this week. You know what? It was really hard! I never dreamed how emotional I would be as he reached this milestone. He's such a joy to have around, such a wonderful young man...and I realize that the days he will live at home are numbered. I am so proud of you, son! And I will treasure the hours....

My favorite - and very tall - 16-year-old!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

To think I knew him when...

...he was a rambunctious first-grader! Now "A" is a senior in high school. Still full of a zest for living, he's a young man bursting with promise. There's warmth and intelligence in his eyes. Do you see it, too? Best wishes, "A," on your journey. I look forward to watching you move on to the next stages of your life.

And for you, "A" a fun look:
(Mom and Dad, ask me to see the more traditional version of this.)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What a way to bring in the new year

Chinese New Year, that is! (No, I'm not late, but early - for once.) My dd and I had the wonderful privilege of attending the performance of New Tang Dynasty Television's Chinese New Year Spectacular. It was spectacular, indeed! Here are a few of my favorite images:

Here's wishing everyone a Happy Year of the Boar!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

There's "Snow" Way...

...to describe with words what a few flurries do for my little girl! So I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Don't laugh - I know it looks like dandruff, but a few flurries are very much appreciated here. (If I had a nickel for every time she exclaimed, "Mommy, Mommy, MOMMY!" over our two slightly-snowy days!)