Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Potter's Hands

My daughter and I had the recent pleasure of visiting a local pottery studio/gallery. During our time there, she created two beautiful pieces. They may not win awards in a juried show, but watching her create them with the help of the master potter was such fun! It was wonderful to see her satisfaction as they took the shape she had envisioned for them. They will always be treasured.

Reflecting on this experience made me glad that the Master Potter, always patient and deliberate, is not content to leave me in my current state, but is continually shaping me, smoothing away my rough edges, patching the occasional crack, and ultimately, creating a vessel for His use. I may not see His full plan, but I can trust that I am safe in His hands.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My heart was warmed and won

by this darling, adventurous little girl. Miss "R," I have no doubt that you will go places in this world! And I hope to get to watch you get there. Thank you for letting me photograph you!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A small, intimate group

of 15!

I was recently blessed to be able to photograph one of the most beautiful families I have ever known or met. The legacy of love and faith the parents have passed on to their children and grandchildren is such a joy to behold. They are tons of fun to be around, as well! Thank you, Family M!

Hey, who won the annual family Thanksgiving football game?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

An extraordinary family... extraordinary story!

Adoption touches lives in such a beautiful way, including the life of my own family. I was blessed to be able to photograph these handsome young men, born in Russia and adopted by loving parents here. Have I mentioned that I love the families I work with?

The true spirit of these wonderful boys: "Chasing Squirrels"

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm having so much fun!

And I'm loving the people I've gotten to work with this year! photographer can only do so much. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am now booked through the end of this year. Call or e-mail me to get your appointment scheduled for the early months of 2007. You can take advantage of my current pricing structure by booking your session before December 15. Sessions booked after that date will be subject to my new prices.

I'm excited to be getting closer to launching my website. And you thought it would never happen. Watch here for details!

Just one of my favorite images of 2006, the adorable and charming "Miss S!"

Saturday, November 04, 2006

A fun guy, and a great compliment!

I recently had the privilege of photographing Layne, a good friend of my son. Gifted in both art and music, I think he enjoyed the whole experience. Later, he told my son that he thought I was "pretty cool," and that I was "half-artsy, half-mom!" Thanks, Layne ~ I think you're cool, too!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Inspiration by the Bucketful!

Take 35 talented photographers, full of passion for their art, full of unique and wonderful approaches to working out their own vision - even if it be of the same subject. Now imagine these photographers in a vibrant city, which happens to be concurrently hosting a marathon with 40,000 runners - Chicago! Give them the opportunity to photograph children who are used to being in front of the camera, yes, even Ford models. Now imagine, if you will, the opportunity for these 35 to be instructed and inspired by one of the premiere child photographers in the world...Audrey Woulard. I was privileged to be one of these photographers, and I have come back with loads of inspiration, many new friends, and more than a few pictures I'd like to share:

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

1,000 miles is just too far...

Oh, I miss getting together with my family! We were recently blessed to have my brother, sister-in-law, and niece come for a visit. How much fun we had! We packed a lot in for the few days they were here - the arboretum, an arts festival, the State Fair, a round of golf, and a swim outing, to name a few. Here are some of my favorite images...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Napa Journey

Can a place find its way into your heart after just one day? Can a day of traveling with three children be called a romantic journey? Miraculously, perhaps, I think so. The Napa hillsides enchanted us with their pristine rows of lush vines juxtaposed with waving golden grasses, interspersed with grand and noble wineries as well and charming, quaint ones. There was something about the quality of the light, the palatte of colors in the hills and sky, that caused me to draw in my breath. It would be a great place to go as a couple, and I hope to return for a more leisurely visit. This time around, we had to endure groans of, "Why do we need to stop at another vinyard?" "Isn't this place just like the last?" "I'm hot. When will we get to Yosemite?" Here are a few images from our brief but beautiful time in Napa Valley.

Beringer grapes

Gorgeous flowers were everywhere.

And of course....grapes!

Peju, our favorite vinyard.

Peju's lovely grounds.

Even barrels are beautiful at Peju!

Waiting to be sampled...

Stained glass in Peju's tasting room.

Hope you enjoyed the journey! Get ready for Yosemite, a favorite destination of Ansel Adams - and me, too!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Taking Time out from the Normal Routine

What do you get when you take a family of five, a loaded-down minivan, a packed itinerary and thirteen days to explore California? A LOT of fun and a LOT of togetherness! Our recent trip was a great time to reconnect with one another and with friends, to enjoy some beautiful sights, and of course, to take a lot of pictures to remember it all by. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll stop my ramblings and share a few. So put on your walking shoes and come along! Today we'll tour San Fransisco:

I so wanted to be on one of these sailboats!

A quick snap of the family. (Disclaimer: These people don't want to take the time to set up anything. "Snap and let's go!" is the motto here.)

Some ruins from Alcatraz, a nice roosting place for a gull and his mate.

Maci loved the funhouse mirror! She's getting quite tall these days...

Evan waiting for the cable cars. California set record-breaking temperatures during this most unusual heatwave, so the 1.5 hour line was not much fun for him. We can, however, say we did ride the trolley. Love those bells!

Tune in soon for a tour of the Wine Country!