Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A New Life!

I love the many reminders we have in springtime of New Life. To me, it doesn't get much better than watching the world transition from dormant brown to lush green, hearing the cheerful chirping of celebratory birds, and enjoying the wonderful "just-right" temperatures experience for but a few short weeks here. This spring has brought an even more awe-inspiring experience for me.

I was given the opportunity to discover something about myself, something that personally and professionally I had very much desired to learn: would I enjoy the experience of birth photography? By divine appointment, I believe, a wonderful family welcomed me into their lives and hearts. I was thrilled to have the amazing privilege of being there with them to document the arrival of Miss C into the world! And yes, I shed some tears of joy over this incredible miracle of new could I not? Here is a bit of her story:

And by the way, the answer to my question is a resounding "yes!" I will be offering birth photography to my clients in the very near future!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring is still springing!

This time I'll just let the images speak for themselves. :-)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sunshine in a little pot of flowers!

I love spring! Though it's been a little dreary and gray here the last few days, I have a gloriously bright spot to enjoy each day. I have thoroughly enjoyed the little arrangement of flowers that grows on my back deck. Yes, it's actually growing...thriving, as a matter of fact. That is nearly a miracle, as I'm not known for my green thumb! Someone must be smiling on me! I hope these images bring you a breath of springtime pleasure, as well. Lucy loves flowers, most of all for digging and consuming. If you look closely, you'll notice the evidence on her nose!

Happy spring!!!