Monday, August 07, 2006

Taking Time out from the Normal Routine

What do you get when you take a family of five, a loaded-down minivan, a packed itinerary and thirteen days to explore California? A LOT of fun and a LOT of togetherness! Our recent trip was a great time to reconnect with one another and with friends, to enjoy some beautiful sights, and of course, to take a lot of pictures to remember it all by. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll stop my ramblings and share a few. So put on your walking shoes and come along! Today we'll tour San Fransisco:

I so wanted to be on one of these sailboats!

A quick snap of the family. (Disclaimer: These people don't want to take the time to set up anything. "Snap and let's go!" is the motto here.)

Some ruins from Alcatraz, a nice roosting place for a gull and his mate.

Maci loved the funhouse mirror! She's getting quite tall these days...

Evan waiting for the cable cars. California set record-breaking temperatures during this most unusual heatwave, so the 1.5 hour line was not much fun for him. We can, however, say we did ride the trolley. Love those bells!

Tune in soon for a tour of the Wine Country!


amanda said...

how much fun!! love that first image!
family vacations can be such wonderful memories!!

Blessed Memories Photography said...

Look at Maci!!! Too cute! I LOOOOOVE the second shot with the tree and boat. It looks so calming and serene. Sounds like you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

I love the funhouse mirror one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!