Saturday, March 08, 2008

Oh, the things you miss...

...when you have BIG kids! Granted, there are so many wonderful things about having older children, like having real conversations about the deep mysteries of life (e.g, who gets the car? and how can we be in three places at once?) Like watching them discover what they're good at and pursue it. Like observing and guiding as they spread their wings and gain their independence. It's a very rewarding time in life. But sometimes I miss little things about those early, seemingly much simpler, days. Like sticky kisses, high-pitched giggles, finger paints, play-doh, hide-and-seek, and Dr. Seuss. (Shhhhh....don't tell anyone, but I'm going to see that Who movie even if I can't drag my big kids to it!) LOL

I guess that's why I love what I do so much. If a photograph can, in an instant, bring all those memories and good feelings flooding back, if it can artistically capture that expression that so characterizes this moment and this person, (big or small) that you love, then I've done my job.

Because my kids are big, I somehow missed the movie Curious George when it was in the theatres. (Yes, I know this was made in 2006!) On the radio today, I heard Jack Johnson's Upside Down from the movie. It's such a happy, feel-good song, with a tremendously fun video. So I invite you to grab your kids today, to kick up your feet together, watch the video, and celebrate this moment...and all the special moments and memories you treasure. Enjoy!

Jack Johnson - Upside Down lyrics

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