Friday, August 01, 2008

A Little Bit of Determination....

...can get us far in life! And this mom was absolutely determined to get family portraits done before her window of opportunity narrowed. Both her kids were home, everyone had coordinating outfits, and we finally had a date on the calendar. So when I called her saying, "You know, the forecast says it's going to be really hot. Would you like to reschedule?" she hesitated only a moment. "No. Let's do this!"

So at the beginning of the session (scheduled during the "cool" evening hours - LOL) it was 104 degrees. And at the end, about 8:30pm, it was a mere 96. What did we have to show for it? Well, tell me what you think! I had a blast in spite of the heat! Hope you did, too!


ScootOverBaby said...

WOW, absolutly FABULOUS photos! I'm sure glad the heat didn't put off this project, because it came out with some awesome photos. :-)
Great job Debra K!
(cute family, too) ;-D

Blessed Memories Photography said...

What a beautiful set of images! I'll bet the family will be thrilled. It's never easy co-ordinating everyone's schedules, but when it works out, it's so worth it (especially when YOU photograph them!)
Thanks for sharing these!

Dee said...

Hey, sweet lady, just wanted you to know that I left you a little surprise on my blog.

I miss you and would love to get together again for din-din.
